A Lounging Leopard in the Rain and Golden Light

Wildlife photography is unlike any other genre of photography. You have no control over the subject, no command over the light, the pose or even the situation. It is all decided by nature itself. And, you have to make the best out of every single moment. On the rarest of occasions, a single moment can turn into the biggest stroke of luck, like it did for me in the deep forests of Southern India.

 In the midst of a torrential downpour, the heavens opened up to cast their godly glow on an enigma – a wild leopard – lounging among the deep greens of a tropical rainforest. Gleaming and glowing. I could hardly control my excitement when I picked up my camera. Taking a deep breath, I clicked a few shots. And soon put my gear down, just to absorb the beauty of that rare moment. 

In that moment I said to myself: long may he live, long may his forests live and long may his world be just as it was in that moment – raw, vivid and unhindered.

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